About Us
Polyester Solutions is a family run company dedicated to manufacturing and product development in polyester Insulation products. With over 40 years of combined experience our friendly staff will be able to assist in any questions regarding building systems, noise control and thermal values.
Customer Service
Polyester Solutions thrives on customer service and we specialize in developing new products with our customers thus giving our customers a competitive edge.
Environmental and health benefits
Our products are environmentally friendly alternatives to other Insulation on the market. Eco-friendly polybatts are mad from 100% polyester fibre. The insulation will not sag, become brittle of degrade in its life cycle. Polyester is insect and vermin resistant.
Polybatts are the smart choice in helping the environment with….
- Zero Ozone Depleting Potential
- Zero VOC emissions
Pictured is the R2.5
Also available R1.5, R2.0, R3.0,